Selamat Melam! Apa Kabar? Anda Bapak dan saya punya berusaha diajar Indonesian. Kami senang. Diajar baru ayat tolong saya untuk rendah hati. Saya amat lambat!!! Tetapi kami adalah kesabaran. Nama gereja adalah Gereja Jesus Kristus Orang-orang Suci Zaman Akir.
Good Evening! How are you? Your Father and I have been trying to learn Indonesian. We are glad. Learning new words helps me to be humble. I am very slow!!! But we are patient. The name of the church is .... literally it means the Church of Jesus Christ of Persons who are Purified in the End Days. It's a good way to stay obedient if you want to be classified as a "purified person".
We have found out (almost for sure) that we will not be in Jakarta. Pres. Groberg would like us to go to Central Java so that we can do Member Support along with our ERS (employment resource services) assignment. They are working hard to be able to create a Stake in two years. I received the Music Services CD in the mail last week, and then we also got the training materials for Perpetual Education Fund. We will also be administrating that. While we are in the MTC they want us to go to the Church Offices to get further training. I am positive we will not get bored.
September is almost upon us. We are very anxious to get going. However, we have much yet to do here so off I go to bed. We start early!
I cannot begin to tell you how much we love all of you, and how grateful we are for your support!
We think of each of you and pray for you all every day!
Bersyukur terkasih kekal keluarga,
Mom & Dad
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