Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 49 Photos - 2

On Monday we went to Ngadirojo (Boyolali County) to introduced the new Sisters to Kini and Markini.  They are the two who asked to learn about the church after spending so much time feeding the water project work crew, about 7-8 of whom were members of the church.  Brother Sutarno offers each bishop in the stake two jobs on the projects for those who might need work.

The village was all decorated for Independence Day 17 August (1945).

After being invited into Markini's home for a snack of water, rice & peanut chips and fermented casava wrapped in banana leaf, Sister Greenway and I took a little walk "around the block."  We met these children and took the requisite photo.  Hey, Brother Grover, now I can understand how you ended up with about 20,000 pics by the time you went home!!!!

Here are Sisters Pontoan and Sister Baantjer (Indonesian and Dutch ancestry from near Price, Utah) with Kini, Markini, and Kini's husband.

I shifted the camera to the left to pick up Boo and that side of the house. You can also see the food they provided.

The I shifted to the right so you can see the sleeping platform. The kettle holds the drinkable water, boiled earlier in the day.  Cooking is done outside in a sheltered area, and just outside the house and up the street about 20 meters is a new MCK.  Water will be coming to the house later in the next month or so.

Finally, I thought I'd include this.  It is the dry season and we've noticed that there are now tobacco fields where there had been vegetables before.  Apparently, the tobacco grows better with less rain.  Many of the villagers strip leaves and dry them at their homes.  Some will even shread the leaves and dry them on large screens for roll-your-own cigarettes.  In some areas, you will see huge drying barns/sheds.  I think most of this is just harvested and sold and the drying is done elsewhere.

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