Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 31 Photos - 2

OK - you've been watching this reseervoir progress.  Well, it's nearing completion.  Right now the crew is working inside.

Here is the inside of the reservoir.  It is being water-proofed by the crew.

Here are the outlet valves.  We are bringing in a new 4-5 inch lines and tapping off three 4 inch lines.

The four inch lines eventually make it to smaller (10 cubic meter) pressure reduction / storage tanks - also of concrete.  These tap out to the large orange polyethylene tanks you've seen before.  This tank was built in two weeks and is curing now.

Here's another smaller tank under construction.

And another just in the beginning stages of being built.  That's Koko in the dark hat, one of the engineers, and Wastu.  It's funny that as I have gone through my photos, Koko has put himself in most of them.

And they have begun a new MCK by the school where we had the opening ceremony for the project.  It's right beside a cross road and I'm standing on the porch of the "general store."

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