This is Dr Steven Russell, a retinal specialist, whom we sponsored to come and teach and lecture at the University Hospital in Jogyakarta (Jogja). We took him and his wife, Trudy, around the area to show them the other projects we had going on.
Here we are finalizing the trip to the Muran Eye Institute in SLC for Dr. Supartoto (2nd from left) and another eye physician. Humanitarian Services also purchased about $50,000 in equipment, and Dr. Russell brought another $8,000-$10,000 in instruments from the University of Iowa where he is a professor.
Every once in a while I have to include a photo of me to prove that I am in Indonesia, too.
During our meeting the residents were being monitored during catarac surgery. In the meantime, Sister Greenway is eating her snack noted in this weeks letter!
Here's the resident who was doing the above noted surgery.
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