Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 27 Photos - 1

Here we are in Wonogiri, southeast of Solo.  We are at the community's office of social services, which is actually a typical Javanese, open-air pavilion. 

This is the one chair that was special ordered for a child with a unique diagnosis.  This Event was organized by that child's father, Heru Setiyono.

And here is little Hanung Mahes Pratama.  He is 2 1/2 years old and has hydrocephalus.  This is the first safe mode of transport he has ever had.  He has either been carried by his mother or grandmother, or placed in a cart that I was told was extremely unsafe.  Hanung is severly mentally disabled and cannot blink, but seems to respond to love and gentleness.  His mother was able to get him to smile for a photo.  He seemed to be really comfortable.

This woman has severe cerebral palsy (CP).  Her mother passed away a while ago and her father is her only caregiver.  I was told she "never" gets out of her home.   She seemed to like being in a comfortable chair.  Remember, these are customized to fit each patient; then they are fine-tuned at the fitting.  What is remarkable is that her chair-back was broken, so the therapists (Sarwani, Gilang, and Puryoko) took a part from a chair they brought along just for parts, and made the repair/replacement on the spot.

Here is Sarwni, PT, working on a chair and in the background is Damai, one of the UCP (United Cerrebral Palsy) administrators.  Michael Allen is the Director (from California with his wife Laurie), here in Indonesia for another 2 years.  They have offices at the factory where the chairs are produced.  The Church has authorized funds for another 5,000 chairs for Indonesia.

Here are a few more of the kids we served at one of four venues during this trip to Wonogiri.

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