Monday, December 31, 2012

Week 68

Selamat Tahun Baru!!!!! (Happy Year New!!!!!)

Wow! 2013!!! I am so glad I am not Mayan!!!!! Here in Solo there are a few Wards having New Year's Eve parties. Jebres' will be at the Church, and Aster said they will have "Family Home Evening" (which is what they call any "serious" get together outside of regular Church), then they will have a party. We attended their Ward Christmas Party (news to follow)! Solo 2 is having an over-night party at a villa that their Uskup (Bishop) rented for the occasion.... brave. But Solo 1 will be having their party at the Supomo building, and their BIG draw is that they will be serving RICA RICA! (pronounced reecha reecha or woof-woof whichever you choose)! We are sooooooooo grateful for missionary rules which ask us to be in by 9:00 p.m. In the good ol' USA, they will have a celebration this week at the Adam Greenway house. Cecily Lauren Greenway will be six years old, and she loves animals, and anything artistic. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CECILY!! We will talk to you in a couple of days!

As I mentioned, we spent Christmas week attending Ward Parties. All other functions cease to exist. All the wards practice and practice for these events. Unlike a U.S Ward Christmas party, the Solo Wards have more of a grand talent show. It is very hard to visit, no one is home, as we found out. The Jebres Ward was first on Christmas Day. We got a very excited call from Aster asking us to be there at 4 p.m. and to bring our music for the Virginia Reel. So we took a taxi there (we did not want to drag Bono out on Christmas) and arrived a little before 4. At 4:45 Aster arrived, and told me that they had "improved" the Virginia Reel, (I think she meant changed, although her English is very good), and that we would wait for the rest of the youth..... they came about 5:15. The party was to begin at 5 p.m., but got under-way around 6, and then it was one OH MY! after another. Elder took pictures and one video. We hope you will be able to download the video. It was the Relief Society portion of the program, and all I can say is that each of you must picture your home Relief Society performing this at next years Ward Christmas party! The Missionaries sang "Oh, Holy Night", and "Drummer Boy", which seemed a bit out of place compared to the other performances. All in all, it was VERY LOUD, and very....interesting.... and by 9 p.m. showed no sign of stopping, so we called a taxi and left early.

Whew!!! Solo 1 was next, on the 26th, and was the same talent show, but much more calm. We must tell you that many members attend all the ward's parties, especially Solo 1 since it is the oldest ward. So that party was packed, and steamy, and noisy. At all events, the dinner will be a "rice box". This is usually a "tube" of sticky rice with chicken, wrapped in a banana leaf, 2 or 3 deep fried foods that are spicy, and something sweet. Our new Elder Miner from St. George, call the sticky rice portion his "chicken and rice Popsicle". On the 27th, Banjasari had their party, which was much more subdued, and the whole ward learned the Virginia Reel!

The week before Christmas, we went to visit Bro. Tukirin in the hospital. He is an older member, one of the original pioneers in Indonesia. He lived with his daughter,Ttut & her husband, Bambang. We have been to their home before wwwwwaaaayyy out about an hour northeast of Solo. Brother Tukirin had not been well and developed pneumonia. He wanted to go home from the hospital. So just before Christmas they gave him his wish. Last Thursday evening he passed away, and they had the funeral on Friday at 9 a.m. at his home. It was a tribute to him to see so many members make that journey. At Indonesian funerals there are chairs set up in front of the home (sometimes closing the street). At Brother Tukirin's they were full of his wonderful neighbors,and Muslim villagers. The body rests in the home, much like funerals were held in the US before WWII. The funeral ceremony was held around the wooden casket, and was conducted by Uskup Catur. We sang hymns, and testimonies were shared, and all that time the villagers sat outside and visited. When a Muslim dies, the roles are just reversed. When that was over, we all walked to the cemetery about a block away. They dedicate the grave, the casket is lowered, and the workers fill it in, and then rose petals are strewn over the grave, and the graves of loved ones nearby. Quick, efficient, and frugal. We then zoomed down the mountain to get to DDM by 12:30.

Saturday, Elder Greenway, Bono, Elder Knorpp, and others drove off to learn about hydro-ponics? Sister Knorpp and I stayed home and did the Saturday chores. He will have to tell you about this adventure... I hope he took pictures.

We are ready for things to get back to normal. However, we still must get through New Year's day! Wednesday I just want to go visiting!!!! ALSO!!! did we tell you that Elder Mendrofa got his glasses!?? He said it is nice to see the world, and when I asked, he said that he hasn't seen well for the last 2 years... He looks very distinguished. He also sang a solo at the Banjasari Ward program. What a voice! We also sent Elders Yim and Fisher home. All done... and Elder Townsend was transferred to Surabaya. So, tomorrow we will get 3 new Elders. We sort of get attached to these wonderful young missionaries. Sending them home or away is tricky on the heart.

Thank you for all of your wonderful, tender emails, and all of the loving and supportive Christmas treasures and pictures from home. The pictures cover our apartment wall, and fill our tender hearts. We spent Christmas day with some of the missionaries as they skyped home. Those who were waiting watched "17 Miracles", so we got to watch it twice in one day. I think it should be called "17 Hankies"... We all blubbered through it, and it was a great way to spend Christmas. We hope you also had a beautiful day, and we will see you again next year!

Warmest regards, and love galore,

Elder and Sister Greenway (alias Gramma and Grampa)

Week 68 Photos #1

Where to start? We were able to provide a Christmas Dinner to the missionaries and our drivers' families on Monday the 24th. Sister Greenway had cooked one turkey at our apartment on Sunday the 23rd and had de-boned it for easier transport to the Soepomo building. We and the Knorpps arrived at the building with all of our baking and other paraphernalia at about 11 AM. With the Knorpps turkey in Mr. Easy Bake, the other fixings were then prepared and cooked so that it all came out together when the missionaries arrived at 4:00 PM.
The cooks, up to their elbows .....
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All set and ready to go.
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Just a little something to remind some of home and to show some a Christmas tradition from the U.S. and Canada.
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Purwono (Frankie) and family. Yami, Purwono, Paris, Sydney, and Carin.
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Our Guests of Honor!
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One of the donors to our dinner - he gave his all - clear from Manti, Utah via Norbest !!! For the Indonesians, this was one BIG CHICKEN !!!!
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Everyone seemed to enjoy the food. It was a little different for some, but everyone seemed to eat their fill. Yeah, we even had some sambal on the side.
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Week 68 Photos #2

On Christmas Day evening, the Jebres Ward held their Christmas Party. Here they all are prior to the start of the festivities.
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The full-time missionaries treated everyone to a rendition of "Little Drummer Boy," and "O Holy Night."
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Kiki and Lala performed their duet. "O Come All Ye Faithful."
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Then the Primary sang .....
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.... and danced !!!
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Not to be outdone, the youth performed their improved version of the "Virginia Reel."
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AND to out do everyone, the Relief Society Dancers did their thing... See video.
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Week 68 Photos #3

On the evening of the 26th of December, we attended the Solo 1 Ward's Christmas Party.
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The Relief Society.
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The Youth.
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And the Primary !
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Week 68 Photos #4

On Saturday, December 29th, two carloads of brethren traveled to near Jogja to learn about hydroponic gardening. The event was sponsored by Hendro and his wife Berta and they held it at their restaurant (under construction).
The presenters were able to teach and demonstrate several hydroponics methods and showed many types of plants that are appropriate for this method of cultivation.
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Small and simple and straight-forward .... especially for starting new plants.
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A little more complicated for larger vegetables.
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And even more complex, depending on the space available or if a commercial setup is being considered.
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These are the RS dancers of the Jebres Ward.  Please watch the entire video, it's about 2:30.  Sister Greenway wants to know if Sister Kellis and Sister Gatrell would want to perform it at next year's Ward Christmas Party.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 67 Photos

I'll begin with Tuesday's piano class where Sister Greenway had Kiki and Lala begin to learn a duet, "Oh. Come All Ye Faithful."  Adding moral support is Luki.
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Elder Yim and Mendrofa come to help with translation and to reinforce what Sister G. has taught.  Elder Yim is already a musician and Elder Mendrofa is trying to learn some piano, too.  (That's Elder Yim from Indiana on the right.)
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I usually bring my computer for any PEF needs, but that doesn't take long.  I then review photos, etc.  Here Luki is helping me put names with the people in the photos.
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On Thursday, we usually take the Sisters to Ngadirojo and the Elders to Boyolali, where they catch a bus to the village of Cepogo.  Well, the Sisters' appointment fell through so it was just us and the Elders, so we took them all the way to Cepogo.  I have been there before because it is on the way to Magelang and is one of the villages that the church provided rice and oil during the Merapi eruption in Oct., 2010.  It was market day so I though I'd include a bunch of pictures.  I think there is a lot of wholesaling because of the shear volume of produce.  Here you can see cabbage.
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We think this is seladri kecil - small celery.
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This is bok coy (Chinese) but I don't remember the bahasa name.
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More bok coy plus onions, potatoes, and more.
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You can see the scale and bundled scallions.
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More onions or scallions, and Jack Fruit on the woman's back.
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Rice and casava root.
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We also passed the local cemetery marker maker.  These are placed directly over a grave.
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The trip to the mountain - Boyolali, Ngadirojo, and Cepogo are on Merbabu (extinct volcano right next to Merapi which is active) usually takes most of the day son when we return to Solo about 3:00 PM or 4:00 PM, we take the missionaries to lunch.  One place we frequent because it has pretty good Indonesian fare (in spite of what the sign says) is Raja Ayan (Chicken King).  This is how most of the signage is here in Indonesia - part English, part Indonesian.  This one says: "King Chicken - Chinese, Chicken Fried, Steak."  Asli Segarnya = Your Original Fresh Tea (Teh).
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The front entrance to Raja Ayam.  I'll have to get a picture of the inside and the kitchen sometime.  If you can make out the menu signage to the left, these are Pakets (combos) priced at 8,500 to 9,500 rupiah.  (about 85 - 95 cents).
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Week 67

Selamet Hari Natal, oleh suka dan kebahagiaann datang ke anda Natal ini,

I was beginning to think that it would be hard to feel "bright" about this holiday time. There is so much sadness in the world, so many have so much to bear. There is cruelty, and hatred, and huge problems that stretch the imagination to find solutions. Every day we hear proud men & women belittle others that are proud, and in the background there are so many who are hurting and looking for a little light, some respite in their dark lives. In the last week all of that became almost unbearable. What will the world be like for my grandchildren? How can we teach them hope and joy? Of course we know where the answers are, but that seemed like the light of a lantern trying to shine on a blind, blind mankind.

Elder noticed my "blues" and we talked, but I knew I needed to grasp a few things for myself. I am not usually so profoundly affected, but this last week was so brutal for the world. I always turn to music first. It sets my mind working, and my spirit tunes in and opens up. "This is the Christ", was especially helpful, and then there is my favorite song of all songs, not just Christmas, but of all songs... "Baby, What You Goin'to Be". "Alleluia, little baby, the Hope of the people, O what did You come here to say? Are you the chosen One? Are You the Savior, come to save the world one day?"

Elder Neil L. Andersen gave a talk this conference about the "Trial of Your Faith". I thought of Mary's and Joseph's trials. This was not the conventional family of the time. Their hearts must of been burdened with what they couldn't clearly understand, and then the long trip to Bethlehem, no room at the Inn, and the shock of the baby's arrival in the stable. Imagine the Hosts of Heaven singing, the shepherds coming to call talking about more angels, and new stars. What a moment in the heart of a parent. Their world was also very harsh, many of the same problems we face today, and of course they did not have the knowledge to prepare them for the course their son's life would take.

His Gospel, His life, His atonement, His resurrection is what will "save the world one day." The strength that started my soul to lighten came today during the Sacrament. When our Stake Youth sang "Gethsemane" this past Stake Conference, I challenge the youth to think of the words to that song during the Sacrament. "He felt all that was sad, wicked or bad, all the pain we would ever know. While His friends were asleep He fought to keep the promise made long ago". I know that the Father knows me... he knows all of His children. I know that the Savior has felt every sad burden I have felt this week, and all the burdens and sadness that come to us in this life. "Surely, surely, He has known our griefs"... So today I laid those griefs at his feet, and then I decided to try harder to do all that he asks me to do in faith. I know my loving Father, and my generous Savior, ache when I ache, and I decided my gift to them would be to find joy.

So we will wish you a Joyful Christmas. We realize this is an unusual Missionary Letter, and we promise next week will be cheerier. We are feeding 18 Missionaries and friends Christmas Turkey Dinner tomorrow afternoon. The Elders and Sisters bring joy wherever they go. Sister Knorrp and I are working together on this, which is another joy. It is always a good fix to get outside yourself and surround yourself with friends and family. What a joy to have our family support and love us. We have always enjoyed good friends and family. What an amazing blessing!

"Hold on thy way"..."doubt not, fear not..."

Elder and Sister Greenway

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Week 60

I don't know where these photos ended up, but I couldn't find them in my sent folder.  So I'm not sure if these were ever mailed out.  I will post them here anyway.

The week before Stake Conference of the Surakarta Stake (the first since becoming a Stake - the one in the Spring was actually a District Conference where we became a Stake), we participated in a Mission visit by a member of the area presidency, Elder Watson.  The sisters' apartment wasn't large enough for six sisters, so we hosted Sister Hickman (from Washington state) and Sister Tandiman for the night.

 I was asked to have the Cultural Hall set and ready to go for a group photo as soon as the leadership arrived for the visit/Zone Meeting.  Here is the entire Surakarta Zone (Jawa Tengah).

 Here is Elder Watson greeting Elder Jameson.  You can also see his wife in the background with Elder Hasibuan.
 After pictures we all retreated to the chapel for the meeting led by Elder Watson.  There was a lot of participation teaching by all of the missionaries as well as the President, his wife, and Elder and Sister Watson.
 The following Saturday and Sunday was the Stake Conference.  Brother Didit and the Greenways were asked to pick up the visitors from Salt Lake City.  Our Area President Elder Wilson and his wife and Sister Reeves, 2nd counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency and her husband were the visiting authorities for our conference.  Between sessions on Saturday, the stake had a luncheon for Elder Wilson and Sister Reeves with typical Indonesian food and then presented them with some traditional Javaneses dolls.  They also sent some Batik ties (I think) to President Monson.
 Here is a view of the Sunday go-to-meetin' crowd.  Again, we had to rent the Novotel ballroom to fit all of the members of the stake.
 And here is Sister Greenway's - well actually the Stake Conference Youth and YSA - Choir - plus most of the missionaries.
 Another photo of the congregation and the choir.
 On Saturday morning, the visiting authorities went visiting.  One of the families Sister Reeves visited was a family you should be familiar with because I baptised Lala.  If you look closely, you can see Sister Reeves, Sister ? (translator) Arun (I think), the Mom and Luan, Kiki, Lala, Luki, Moses, and Enso.  She asked the kids to sing the song they sang for her during her visit to their home.
 OK - Here's the YW photo op. with Sister Reeves.  This is the shot used in the Church News on-line article.
 Here's a shot I did for Rianti, Tian, Wati, and Koestejo with Elder and Sister Wilson.
 Here is the entire Stake Presidency with Elder and Sister Wilson and Brother and Sister Reeves.  The Presidency is for L to R: Choki, Rudi, Pres. Budi Utomo, President Budi Susanto, Pres. Ipung.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 66 Photos

The missionaries were planning to travel to Grojogan Sewu (waterfall), but we enticed them with Taco Soup and a Christmas Musical, "Scrooge." As you can see, even the Indonesian missionaries were mesmerized!
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"Thank you very much!" "Father Christmas" "Bah humbug!!!!" echoed through out the movie.
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Even the adults (Elder and Sister Knorpp and Sister Greenway) enjoyed it .... again!?!?! Can you say 12 times? Maybe more!?!?!
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Group picture, please? L to R: Elder Fisher, Elder Miner, Elder Masencay, Elder Yim, Elder Suwarsid, Elder Hasibuan, Elder Townsend, Sister Neis, Sister Manalu, and Elder Mendrofa.
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Proud of their NEW Hand-made suits.
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Oh, did I almost forget the food!!!! Taco Soup, hard bread, watermelon, and soup toppings. YUM!!!!
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Then on Thursday we arranged the YSA Christmas Movie and Pizza Night at Soepomo. Pizza from Papa Ron"s and "The Princess Bride." L to R: Gunawan, Ari, Yuli, Frisca, Widap, and Nanda kneeling.
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EVERYBODY likes PIZZA !!!!!! Sister Greenway, Aster, Putri, and Purwantari.
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